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Mimosa C5c/POE C5c Client Device With POE
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  • SKU: V-SW-C5c/POE
  • Availability: Out of stock

Mimosa C5c/POE C5c Client Device With POE

$212.81 $215.90
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Mimosa C5c/POE C5c Client Device With POE

Mimosa C5c 4.9-6.2 GHz Rugged Endpoint Client Device, C5c Bundle with POE adapter

The Mimosa C5 is a blazing fast and rugged endpoint client device for most deployment applications. Incorporating unique technology, the product is ideal for professionally installed suburban and rural fixed wireless applications. The C5 delivers the speed businesses and consumers need at a fraction of the cost of fibr to the premise. Also Multiple clients that are on the same access point are coordinated to simultaneously share spectrum “spatially” via unique antenna beam-forming.


The Mimosa C5c is a flexible connectorised client radio solution for accommodating long range and custom antenna solutions. Incorporating unique Multi-User MIMO technology, and TDMA client technology for the GPS sync enabled network, the C5c enables the fastest speeds and most scalable wireless access solution.


Features of the C5c:

  • Gigabit Ethernet: 10/100/1000-BASE-T.
  • Multi-User MIMO: CPE is MU-MIMO capable.
  • Connects to any dual polarisation antenna to custom engineer longer distance client links.
  • Rugged and Affordable.
  • Connectorised 
  • Designed to easily attach to specially designed optional mounting accessorises


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